Church Gutter Maintenance Schemes
SPAB Church Maintenance schemes
SPAB ran a project to help churches in selected areas to carry out maintenance. The scheme closed in April 2017 but its web site gives helpful advice. SPAB offers technical advice to owners of historic buildings and organises National Maintenance Week every November.
URLOther UK Organisations
National Churches Trust
Grant-giving Trust concerned with the care of churches in the UK; offers maintenance grants to churches.
URLInstitute of Historic Building Conservation
“A Stitch in Time”: a brochure giving advice on maintenance jointly produced with SPAB (2002).
PDFHistoric Environment Scotland
Advice from HES on the maintenance and repair of traditional buildings.
URLHistoric England “Stopping the Rot” Guide
Historic England/IHBC guidance on the powers available to local authorities to order or carry out repairs to historic buildings
URLOther UK Maintenance Schemes
Stirling Traditional Buildings Healthcheck
Stirling City Heritage Trust a pioneering scheme offering a routine maintenance service.
URLOther information sources
Future for Religious Heritage
EU-based charity working on issues facing religious buildings throughout Europe.
URLRaymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)
The Centre has a UNESCO Professor of Preventive Maintenance.
URLMonumentenwacht Flanders
Monumentenwacht organisation for the Flanders area of Belgium (in English)
URLMonumentenwacht Netherlands
This is the website of the Federation of Provincial Monumentenwacht maintenance organisations. They run preventive maintenance schemes for historic buildings (In Dutch)
URLPro Monumenta, Slovakia
Pro Monumenta, Slovakia
Pro Monumenta provides a basic maintenance and repair service to historic buildings in Slovakia
Pro Monumenta, Slovakia